Do Not Sell My Personal Information

Your Privacy Rights

LVM CALIFORNIA CORP takes your privacy seriously. We utilize multiple mediums like social media, advertising, and email to deliver relevant marketing communications in an effective and safe manner.

In order to create the most personalized experience as well as to ensure that you only receive relevant messaging from us, we may need to share specific information about you to our partners and service providers.

California Residents

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CPRA), residents of the state of California enjoy certain rights pertaining to how companies: collect, use, disclose, and share personal information.

In order to provide the optimal user experience along with relevant messaging we use industry-standard advertising business practices that may be considered a “sale” or “share” under the definitions found within the CPRA.

EXAMPLES of how we might “sell” or “share” that information:

  • Allowing advertising networks that we partner with to place cookies or other tracking technologies through our sites; and
  • Sharing pseudonymized or hashed identifiers with advertising networks and other partners in order to create audiences to utilize in online advertising efforts

Under the CPRA, California residents have the right to request:

  • Disclosure of personal information that we collect, use, disclose, and sell about you
  • Deletion of your personal information that we store and maintain
  • To opt out of the sale of your personal information.

LVM CALIFORNIA CORP does not knowingly sell personal information related to children under 16 years of age. If you are a parent or guardian and have questions about our practices regarding children’s data see our Privacy Policy or

Know Your Privacy Choices

The following list of privacy choices can be adjusted to your personal level of comfort.

1. Profile Information includes your name, address, email, purchase history, transactional data and any additional information that identifies you. You have the right to opt out of the sale or sharing of your Profile Information, or can designate an authorized representative, make a general privacy request, or request additional information by either submitting a privacy request or emailing Your identity will be subject to authentication and we may follow-up with additional communications for verification purposes.

2. Cookies and Cookie Data may include data and information associated with your usage of LVM CALIFORNIA CORP websites, stores, or apps that utilize identifiers that cannot directly identify you. You have the right to opt out of the sale of Cookie Data by using the cookie consent tools available on our sites: Opt-Out Preferences.

LVM CALIFORNIA CORP may verify requests regarding data subject access of Profile Information by confirming that you control the email address associated with the associated personal information. Your identity will be subject to authentication and we may follow-up with additional communications for verification purposes  and we also reserve the right to take additional steps or require additional information to verify your request.

You will not be discriminated against or receive any discriminatory treatment for exercising your privacy rights in any way.  For any questions or concerns please contact or refer to Privacy Policy.

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